Sunday, September 13, 2009


She had a taste of whats real, so she aint never goin' back/More than a super drug and more addicting than crack.

She knew it was right, the way his words made her feel/He asked with his eyes more than his lips, Promising that every bit of him was real.

Strengthening her thoughts with the opposite of his/Hours of intimate conversations. She thought, "damn..this has to be what love is"

But as the two grew deeper, her worst fears started to manifest/more than an emotional pain, she started to feel it in her chest

The worst she ever felt, called it the EMP of regret/it was what she always dreaded, something she wish she never met

But somewhere along the line she found the beauty in it all/first cryin', now laughin', and stairin' at the world from a wall

Her escape for life could be found in her blunt ashes/ or maybe in the tears rollin' off her eye lashes

So as fast as her hope died, at the same speed she gained knowledge/some think its sad, but bitter-sweet is what she calls it



  1. So was that what love

  2. its the process she took in experiencing love, then heartache, and then learing from it. she realized the beauty in her downfall.
